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Hydrogen Becomes the New Frontier in Renewables

Green Hydrogen is the colloquial name given to hydrogen generated from water—one of the most widely available sources in the world. The concept of using water as a power source has long been touted as one with nearly unlimited possibilities. Using a chemical process that separates the Hydrogen molecules from H20, Green Hydrogen is produced with relative ease compared to that of labor-intensive fossil fuels—such as oil and gas.

Hydrogen Becomes the New Frontier in Renewables

Temp-Pro is ready to help customer ride the “Green Hydrogen Wave” that promises to bring opportunity to the Energy Industry in the next decade

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For decades, fossil fuels dominated the market as it was the standard for Power Generation plant fuel. Over time, the introduction of sustainable alternatives—namely Renewable Energy sources such as Wind, Hydro and Geothermal—began to challenge fossil fuels and its growth has had an uphill battle due to their politicization. However, times are changing and the growing support for Green Hydrogen is likely to prompt more energy producers to consider this type of fuel source over the next 20 years and beyond.

In layman’s terms, Green Hydrogen is the colloquial name given to hydrogen generated from water—one of the most widely available sources in the world. The concept of using water as a power source has long been touted as one with nearly unlimited possibilities. Using a chemical process that separates the Hydrogen molecules from H20, Green Hydrogen is produced with relative ease compared to that of labor-intensive fossil fuels—such as oil and gas.

With over 70 percent of the planet being covered by water, you could say the opportunity to garner its power generation potential is virtually endless for Green Hydrogen. Still, the process of converting water into a fuel source requires a variety of processing facilities for which Temp-Pro is perfectly suited to support—particularly with our world-class temperature measurement devices, which are designed to operate in any type of industrial environment—including Renewable Energy power plants.

In addition to Green Hydrogen production, there is also opportunity associated with its storage. After all, demand for green energy is gaining support from not just millions of consumers who yearn using it, but also from industry leaders and investors who see this as a long-lasting trend into the future. State legislation across many states is also supportive of the flexible nature of Green Hydrogen, which can be blended into the current infrastructure designed for carbon dioxide, nitrogen or methane. This means repurposing existing plants becomes a viable move to adopting Green Hydrogen as a new and sustainable fuel source.

Temp-Pro has long been involved with Renewable Energy initiatives, supporting customers in existing green energy markets—but the opportunity to work with Green Hydrogen producers is helping us expand further into the “wave of the future” that continues to grow as production costs continue to go down over time. With economies of scale leading to the imminent wind of change for the Energy Industry, Temp-Pro understands the potential of sustainable power generation.

Opportunity also comes from the conversion of gas turbines to accept a blend of Green Hydrogen as a fuel source. But that is only a part of the opportunity since OEMs are already producing a more advanced type of gas turbine capable of intaking Green Hydrogen blends. However, the highly flammable nature of Green Hydrogen will also require Temp-Pro to work with our customers to measure temperature across a complex system that begins with the hydrogen separation process and culminates with its storage—all of which must be done with adherence to safety protocols and industry standards to ensure the proper handling of this fuel.

 Are you already working with Green Hydrogen? Temp-Pro can help you plan and execute a temperature measurement and monitoring strategy with our industrial temperature measurement devices and related component. Call us today at 1-800-991-9093 for more information.


Sales Engineer And Commercial Sales Manager at  |  + posts

Neal Messier is a dedicated sales manager at Temp-Pro. With 17+ years of experience working with instrumentation in diverse industrial and process industries particularly power generation, he is passionate about the temperature sensor industry and uses his strong technical background and comprehensive industry knowledge to fulfill client’s temperature sensor needs.

Marketing And Sales Specialist at  | Website |  + posts

Nicole Chotain is a marketing and sales specialist in the temperature sensor manufacturing industry. She focuses on enhancing her technical expertise to deliver high-precision, custom sensor solutions that meet critical industry standards, making her role both rewarding and impactful. Nicole excels at driving growth through innovative marketing strategies, building strong customer relationships, and elevating Temp-Pro’s brand reputation.

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